
In the spring of 2024 I attempted a thru-hike of the Hayduke, an 800 mile route through Southern Utah from Arches to Zion. After walking just over 300 miles I decided to end my hike, leaving the trail from the town of Escalante. I am still proud of what I accomplished and the photos I was able to create while I was out there! This hike forced me to grow in a number of ways. It was my first long hike where a large portion of the terrain was off-trail. That tested my navigation and route-finding skills in the rugged and remote canyons of the region. It also was my first time caching resupplies on a long hike, which involved strategically hiding 5-gallon buckets in the desert.

This project showcases my favorite photos from the 3 weeks I was out hiking. The scenery was incredible. Each canyon had it’s own distinct character. I saw so much life out there as well; from juniper and cottonwood trees to cacti and flowers, as well as all kinds of birds, lizards, mule deer, and even a bighorn sheep! The other interesting part of the hike for me was seeing remnants from the Native Americans who inhabited these places thousands of years ago. I saw the remnants of multiple structures, as well as pictographs painted on rock walls. Many of the places I walked through felt sacred.

If any of these images stand out to you, consider purchasing a print to decorate your living space!


